Regard the rules for using Your names! I list here some important names which belong to the same persons. Some have many more names, but nobody really cares about all 500 names of a player which are widely unused.
ACnDC: ACxDC, ACzDC, Acuserush, Akabiink, aurora69, Ash0k, bushidoi, Buzzballsi, CactusJap, CaptAshok, CnCcops, confirms, EditorJJM, EyeOFmute, F0RCEM0VE, Galahad2, GIJANE2, Hoootrain, iKnowTman, Kerria543, KrAzIeMf, LeeAugust, McDona1ds, NK0siider, NodHead2, NOMAD15, Oompy, patmckula, PCGAMERS, pieman, PopaHump, Rqueim, RuningDog, Sacastic, SmokedHam, Snowtrap, sugarpuss, Sund0wn46, T5gerRush, TheEmpeL, TheMavin, ToTooMuch, TopMavn, TiffyTime, VrtuaLac, Warof1812, WebWidow, WolfBlows, Yesitizme
ADI5893: ADI505, Qkumbazoo
Agentblak: Illspits
Articfire: Agentnrkh
Austin469: AnySetts, TheCnCG0D, Rock469
BALUASK: shared nick by Austin469 and Blak519
BaseMx4ev: AllstarMX, BaseMx, baseOS, DNTrapeME, IMurDADDY, IMurMOMMY, Mx4life10, NeVaX
Beasty420: BeastyCCL, Beazty420, BroknPipe, CCLbeasty, CnCLegions, cnclegion, gdilegion, nodlegion, iluvumary, imatruckr, ImGDI420, ImNOD420, italkfast, ivchanged, IwuvWW, KANE420TM (?), OrigBeast, rhyno1, samtr66, scg69kilr, SeanShawn, SGBeasty, Terist420, xbeastyx, xgoddessx.
BLacKAsp1: AgntAsp , Aspii, WhiteAsp
Blak519: Kerplink, ZeroskilZ
Blerkin: Ashmel, greenight, sctoolnde, Thanios,WhiteYoda
Bowserman: BAWH, DiddyKong, XxRocKxX2
Bronco788: TheBronc, TiBsMoKeR, Topgun888, Slate23
Burn15: ooburnoo, j51nrub, burn15j, RA4losers, FromKali, UrMotha, Rosignol, YourSis
ceeunhell: basejumpr, and slammer10
CmdrCD: CmdrCD1, Kalilord
C0mander: APaRlTloN, helliman, narrit, XdieX, XcncX
Cory345: ih8apcs, IH8Gdi666, scg69kilr, SCGkiller
Dashrr: CmdrTHC
DragoNod: AznMaster, GreeNod, WhySoGood, XxDragOxX, Your2Good, YsoGooood, LeeAugust, ACzDC
DrTurkel: mischAa, Mischa19
Dungeon95: G0disG00D, MonsterID, Polygram
ElPaladin: Elpaladin nicks, ElPaladin names his nicks, ElPaladin and his many names
Evenflow2: blakNblu, DarkSideZ, FlameLion, goHaRder, NeonStar, NHSEven, NHStirant, POAPAL, Sergiy1, Tetrisman, TheZigZag
Ferroid: Ferroid2
Firedroid: BlackYoda, DrunkBug,Paulsvens, RebelStar
IcyBlood: DarkBlue, Synsha, Wolf1000
JJM543: Osmosis
Lazertank: shared name used by BlackAsp1, DMXdaDawg
LilMoosh: PoetDP, Zarnian
Lopesy: Clor, Tonsoffun, Tralin
LordSSB: CyberGoat, Elvis
Mafija02: macoboiy
MaMMothik: cyborgoat
MPlayer: Master
Mljs: DrkMist, ErieLight, GrnDeath, MaroonedM, Meltdown2
MastaBlue: Bugger18, EasyU, MJRno74, MrAPC, Umbrellas, UsaRocks1, Utah2067, QuakAttak, XxUSAxX
Monstrman: MyZt3Ry, Piggypoox, PoooPooo, Tonkajoe
MrBuggy: Cipka, HeliWiper, KingOfGA, Sergiy
N1ke: bj83, dbv13, IneedFood, joker243, MASn1ke, NPFn1ke, newbflamr, orcakiler, spanker29, spanker34, spanker86, tj43, XXn1kexx
Oldzulu: sugarroll. "Clor", "Oldzulu", "CCguyssuc", "MrMonday", "Bunzski" and "CCmafia" are all accounts shared by Pieman1, Oompah and Tonsoffun!
Oompah: CCavenger, Dfendatrn, OldZulu
Orcionm: allsetts
Pamparia: AlLiEtEcH, CnCbunny, CmdrSIKO, kwksilver, manzozwar, weathaman
Pieman1: Ais4apple, Beamblack, CCmaraudr, OldZulu, Wusau
RedChaser: nRogi
Rquiem: Anthropod, EvanHalen, Jsatriani, Minnow100, MQNH, Netchaos, RedArmy01, Rquiem100, Scarecorw, TheNewbie, Laserfang, NoSkills, Noticable, Sunblast
Rupert2: OmarKyam
Skylord1: CCrage
Swarcoff: Qksivler
TDMasters: shared name of Austin469, Blak519, Heliwiper, Basemx4ev
TheMan466: XthemanX, NameH1der
Tygrtank: ezkill4u, FlaKe519, JEREMY543, T34tank, ToToE, Tuffytank, XfawkuX. TuffyTank and SonOfTygr are shared names used by Tygrtank and DMXdaDawg.
Unc23: Covert23, Killin4fun, SolarJump, tsUN23Cnc, tsUNCnc, tsUNCnc23, uNc230
Utepers: ponchodic
VeLdo: civirushr, Darkone05, fastrushr, FoxCatRat, G0DSangel, G0Dhammer, HttVeLdo, JstGiveup, Jsttryme, MASveldo, NewScholR, peurpants, Sitonatac, ULnevRwin, ULnevRwln, WRWveldo, XnodboyX, XxVeLdoxX
Vietminh: xxxiiixxx
XPunGaBuLL: AgentBULL, Bis4Bull, CnCBull, LedPencil, HTTBULL2, MrTechie, xPikachux, XTechieX. He lost his passwords to these names: BusterNod, Ch3lse4, DarkAcres, DogNbone, FlaminELL, HistoryXv, HTTBULL, HTTBuLL2, ImHistory, ImShaking, Ron269, Run4itSon, RyaNoD, Tweeniex, Tis4Tanks, UkBullD0g, xPungedx, xviiivx, DarkMile
XXnorthXX: MaroonedX, NorthXQT
XxRocKxX: BlueArmy01, BizNut, NeonGreen
yeehaw34: white1pwr