game bug

01/03/99: hints from MacMark
This is a letter I sent to Virtual Ted some days ago

I played today "bLeRkSgAy". He sold his buildings and lost all his units and told me then he couldn't surrender. He said something about a code and that hitting "r" and return don't work for him after this code. He also declined to "abort his mission". He simply sits there with 0 units and didn't surrender. I had a complete base and many units.

Info: It happens sometimes (!) that You still "live" after surrendering in C&C. But after You surrender a 2nd time You "die".

I think that bLeRkSgAy is a liar.
What do You think?
Can You ban him from the ladder for some time to teach him to be nice?

add on:

<MacMark> just played blerksgay who is a very bad guy
<MacMark> he told me not to be able to surrender
paulsvens-> i know
paulsvens-> he cheats
<MacMark> because of a "code"
paulsvens-> ref thing
paulsvens-> he did that to me
<MacMark> is there a code for that?
paulsvens-> ya
<MacMark> how?
private from paulsvens-> u can sell the ref
private from paulsvens-> when a harv is almost in it
private from paulsvens-> and if u get lucky
private from paulsvens-> u cant die
private from paulsvens-> when usurender
private from paulsvens-> u are still there
private from paulsvens-> there
<private> what about "r" and return?
private from paulsvens-> it wont work
private from paulsvens-> u will still be there
<private> but he could "abort the mission"
private from paulsvens-> ya
private from paulsvens-> But u will still be there
<private> he refused to do that
private from paulsvens-> and u wont get the win
<private> "escape" and "abort mission" still works then?
private from paulsvens-> well
private from paulsvens-> if he dont do it
private from paulsvens-> u will be there for ever

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