These're the keys and shortcuts, that are used in game play. You need them to control everything well. The "option"-key and the "alt"-key are the same. I prefer "option" ;-)
- escape or spacebar: Shows the options menu.
- tabulator: Shows and hides the right menu bar.
- apple-click or right-click: Deselects units, if you do it in the field. Puts building progress on halt, if you do it on a building progress animation. Cancels building, if you do it twice on a building progress animation.
- click: Selects a unit. Builds a structure or an unit. Continues a halted building progress.
- r: Resigns by blowing up all of Your units and damages other units in immediate vicinity.
- s: Stops selected units firing, moving, harvesting. Helis return to base.
- g: Puts selected units into guard mode until they get another order from You. They will be looking for trouble in that mode. In normal mode they would only respond fire.
- n: Selects and centers onto one of Your units. Hitting the n key again will cycle to another unit and so on.
- x: Scatters selected units. Units scattering will continue to carry out attack orders. If You want them to continually scatter, You must keep the units selected, and continue to hit the x key every second or so.
- h: Selects and centers Your head quarters, the Construction Yard.
- control-option-click: Gives selected units the order to escort the unit You clicked on.
- control-click: Forces selected units to fire at where You clicked.
- option-click: Forces selected units to move to where You clicked. Force move prevents crawling and firing.
- shift-click: Selects the clicked unit and adds it to Your actual selected units.
- control-0-9: Gives selected units team number 0-9.
- number 0-9: Selects all units of team 0-9. The only way to control Your helis in the air.
- option-0-9: Selects and centers on all units of team 0-9.
- control-F5-10: Gives the actual part of the map the name F5-10.
- F5-10: Shows the F5-10 named part of the map.
- F1-3: Talk to opponent 1-3.
- F4: Talk to all players.
- double click buildings: If You have more than one unit-producing building of a kind, You can select the one which brings the units out by double clicking it.