Profiles of WChat C&C players. Please send Your informations to MacMark. Idea by FireDroid and by Oompah.
Detailed informations about players (more players are in the queue to be added here):
If You want to be listed here too, take the page about Oompah as a template and send me similar information about Yourself.
The following lines are taken in part from RyanAT's CnC-Extreme web site, from other CnC sites and in part original of this site:
- ACnDC: Tries tricks like heli rushes in the beginning or Mammoth Tank rushes and other crazy things. Heralded as biggest DCer of all time. However he does have considerable C&C skills and on his map he is awesome.
- AdamAnt99: Plays NOD and likes cheap tricks. Usually he does an Apache rush and later a Recon Bike rush.
- Adi5893: A past champion who is one of the best to play thegame. He plays all maps and uses a different strategy everygame to confuse players. He is a retired player now but can stillprove himself as a champion again if desired .
- Agentnrkh: One of the best in the game. He is well known forhis expansion skills. Is probably the best with helis and chinookin the game. You can make no mistakes against him or yourdead.
- Articfire: An old school player who is one of the best. He uses a different strategy every game to confuse opponents. He hasproven himself to be the best of all times on the maps straight and narrow and tiberium garden.
- Austin469: A newer player who in a few more months will beone of the best. Has adapted all the taticts of the past champs and is learning all the settings. He plays to his apponents mistakes and always has the upper hand. Update: He's reported prefering NOD, liking Hand-Of-NOD-rushes and heavily relying on NOD Turrets. My games with him: He likes indeed NOD and NOD Turrets. He doesn't love Apache Attack Helicopters. Uses spider bases and mixes NOD Buggies with Recon Bikes. Uses Minigunners for base defense. Similar to Blak519 and Pieman1 - somewhat. He is now one of the best indeed.
- AznMaster: One of the best Asian players in the game rightnow. Likes to use minigunners and technitions. He plays with100 names and likes to destroy top 30 players ranks with them.He has beaten many of the elite and will soon be one.
- Blak519: A newer C&C player that has shown a lot of skill andhas beaten a lot of the old great's of the game. He plays OPFAand is hard to beat.
- donKEEdic: A newer player that has proven himself to be agreat player. A few more months and he will be recognized asone of the best. He can play several settings and has betterunit control then most other people have. He has greatexpansion skills and will win almost every game he plays.
- Evenflow2: When he first came to ww used GDI then changed to NOD he prefers to play Green Acres 3/4/9999 but can play One Pass Fits All and Straight & Narrow, Uses mixed unit strike and expansion on GA to win mostly. A good green acres player who plays like Heliwiper. He likes to expand and take over tib fields and relysbuggies and mixed units to win.
- FireDroid: Enjoys using his apaches and Chinook to menaceyou in a game. However doesn't rely on heli's and is deadlywithout them too.
- GhettoPmp: A strong green acres and opfa player. Will playanyone and can play with the best of them. He has well unitcontrol and plays to opponents mistakes. Don't give him time orwe will have control of you and the map.
- GdiIsBad: Nod player that wins games through skill atexpansion and knowing when to attack.
Goku4000: Newer player that enjoys using his "Turret andhand" rush to get the better of most players.
- MacMark: Plays both sides and prefers GDI. Special tactics Dead Bang!, GDI Stands NOD and Golden Eagle.
- MastaBlue: Likes Marooned and One Pass Fits All. A marooned player that uses expansion and unitcontrol to win games. Also is deadly on OPFA and Utah. He isone of all-time best players.
- MLJS: A past champion that is both very fast and good atreading his opponent. He isn't scared to attempt an apc if youleave your base open for him.
- MonsterID: Likes challenge tough players. Plays both sides and prefer both sides too. But still need practice more to get better. ID is very talented player who likes to use gdi. Helikes to take control of the map and has better unit control thenhis apponents do. He will defeate you if you make anymistakes.
- NHSTyrant: A good player that likes to apc rush and use various tactics from time to time.
- Noreaga1: A very underated player that is good enough to beelite. He has played for quite a while and has learned everytactic in the game. He has been taught by several of the eliteand can now handle anyone he wants.
- Odysy1: An above average player who is very good on greenacres. He uses the expansion and mixed unit tactics to destroyhis apponents. Also likes to take control of map with turrets.
- Pieman1: Plays anyone's settings (except CmdrCD's), prefers no particular strategy. Loves Mini Gun Infantry. Known as the "C&C God", he has won thetournament 4 times now and has double figures in top 3finishes. He is well known for having awesome unit control andbeing very adaptable in game and is the original two airstrip rushe.
- PrDark: A underated player who is very good on straight andnarrow. He uses gdi and likes to chinook people. He has beenknown to dc and cheat a lot. If he would clean up his act, hewould be a great player.
- RyanAT: A good player that is good both with GDI and NOD.He likes to play longer games, but will rush when in the mood.Best on most smaller maps or on "choke" maps.
- Rquiem: Plays any map with any settings. he has excellentunit control, is the master of a multi-tiered attack, and can win ina variety of ways. Has finished top 3 in tournaments a couple oftimes.
- Sergiy: A good green acres player that knows the map well .He like to build buggies and take control of the map .
- Skylord: prefered side.... GDI if possible, Nod if necessary favorite maps... Tiberium Garden with 6 units, or Green Acres with any other setts. favorite tactic... I consider myself one of the best heli users in CnC, b/c ppl know what i will do on a 6 units game, but they still cannot stop it.... i like my Early Air APC rush, the Chinook rush, or even a straight GDI or NOD chopper rush to CY. NOD CY rush is cheap, so i don't use that much. playing color... ORANGE ! Resides.... Louisiana, USA. Now retired from CnC, I'm involved now in TS with my clan CNCL (URL TBA later) i'll play CnC on occasion, but i ain't what I was before.
- TheBronc: He is a strong nod player that can see hisopponents tactic and adapt to beat him by countering.
- Totoe: A newer player that will be a future star. He is learningfrom the best and has improved skills. A smart player who intime with speed and unit control will be a top player.
- Unc23: Plays OPFA and builds fast. He will try to rush you,failing that he'll apc. Hard to stop. Has good unit control andattacks at the right times.
- Veldo: A newbie killer who has probably played 1000 games inthe last 3 o 4 months.
- XxRocKxX: Likes to expand on Marooned. One of the greatest marooned players on wchat.He uses the mixed units rush and expansion to get the better ofyou.
- xTankerx: When he first showed up, his bud Sundown46 taught him how to master GDI, and after that got boring, he came to NOD. Can now play both decently well, but still learning as NOD. like to play 4/5/9999 nod vs nod on One Pass Fits All, Same sets on Green Acres, and all the GDI sets there are. Loves to APC. and is very good at it too. fav CnC color: BLUE Lives: Peru, Maine. hates TS.