
28 Mar 1999

Oompah comments on "dawn of the gods"

To: <MacMark@t-online.de> Cc: <VirtualTed@westwood.com>

TED-this story may interest you, enjoy!  Oompah

Oompah here, hey thanks for adding my link.  You have a really great page.  But I want to set the record straight because I recently saw you published a story concerning me.

As everyone knows that when I use to play I was a pretty good, honest player. I definetly don't consider myself one of the elites, I reserve that honor for Mastablue, Pieman & CmdrCD.  Anyways I was always honest and fair, one of the few who were.  For whatever reason Mastablue hates me, and I honestly don't know why, I always try to be nice to him when I see him, but since I moved in with my GF and started Grad school I am very rarely online and even more rarely on wchat anymore.  I will gladly give you my account information and what I know.  There are 2 accounts I used,:  CCavenger & oompah.  Pieman used 2 also: Pieman1 & CCmaraudr, Tons used 2 to,  Tonsoffun & Clor.  Tonsie still play a little now that he has his own computer, but Pieman plays rarely since he had his little boy.  You mentioned CCguyssuc, CCmafia, Bunzski, OldZulu & MrMonday in your story.  I know of OldZulu, MrMonday & Bunzski...those guys were playing when I stilled played regularly.  I never heard of the 2 guys with CC names.  But truthfully, I don't care, if anything it's extremely flattering that even after I have quit playing I still get mentioned occasionally. I am sorry to ruin a juicy story...but the truth is none of those accounts belong to me or Pie or Tons, I only wrote you this because Tons asked me to. You may publish this email if you like.  I no doubt would never have seen the article if tons hadn't made me read it.  Once there I browsed your web page made me nostalgic to play a little, I actually played a few tourney games this month during my spring break, but I dont have time anymore.  God speed my friend, cya later.  HI!  wchat gang!

Pat McKula aka "oompah"

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